Not to mention the fact that

The best way to measure the result here is to define a conversion indicator , which could be filling out forms, calls, sales, etc. By linking this indicator to the total investment in sponsor links (and configuring this in the tools), you will be clear about how much each conversion carri out is costing and you will be able to compare this result with other digital marketing actions. 5. SEO IF THE 5.1. What is it: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. When we talk about search tools in Brazil, we usually refer to Google, as it holds more than 90% of the country’s online search market. As we all know, when doing a Google search, we typically receive two types of results: paid results (sponsor links); organic results. Paid results refer to advertisements made by companies, already discuss here in the sponso links topic.

When we talk about search tools in

Organic results are those that come just below the ads. These are company pages that the Google robot has categoriz and that the algorithm has judg to be more in line with the search you made. In other words, organic search is the answer options that Google indicates, which it endorses. And does the user trust the biggest search engine in the world? I would bet so. SEO work comes in there. Trying to earn that trust from Google. Work on the 3 pillars of SEO , in order to please both the algorithm and users: website optimization; content production; gaining backlinks. As you can imagine, gaining this authority is neither easy nor quick. But it’s worth it, because market figures show that around 85% of people who use Google ignore  Latest database ads and go straight to organic results. 5.2. What is the objective: The basic objective of SEO is no different from sponsor links. The idea here is to generate visits to the website.

Gaining this authority is neither easy

latest database

The difference is how it is done. In the case of paid mia, your company rents authority from Google. In organic search, you build this authority and gain a reputation with the search engine. Ultimately, the main objective of SEO is to ensure more conversions at a lower cost. Since, in this case, your company does not pay for clicks. In practice then, organic positioning work mitigates the growing cost of sponsor links, rucing dependence on authority rental. 5.3. When to invest: Due to its relative complexity and ne for long-term focus, SEO is not always applicable to every company. In general terms, to consider this investment , you must think about some questions: Does the company have short-term sales anxiety? Is it possible to reconcile investment in sponsorlinks (short term) and SEO (long term)? Is there already digital maturity (a good website, good positioning)? Does the company have a structure (marketing professional, marketing Phone Lead  budget)? If your company wants to grow and have longevity, investing in SEO will always make sense. But it nes to be prioriti and maintain at the same time.

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