How to Register in the Special Regime for Self-employed Workers

If you meet all the requirements to join the reta. It is time to register in the special regime for self-employed workers . To do this. You have to present the completed form ta0521 at any of the offices. Of the general directorate of social security or online through.Its telematic headquarters. You should know that there are different versions of this document depending on the type of self-employment you are going to do.

The next thing to do is notify the treasury of the registration by filling in form 036 or 037 . Both documents are used to make changes to the business census. And are required to start your professional activity. Keep in mind that model 037 is a simplified document of model 036. And is limited to the figure of the self-employed. If you want to set up a company , you must choose model 036.

When do you have to register in the reta

According to the self-employed law approved in 2018. You must register with reta within 60 days prior to starting your professional activity. As well as with the tax agency.

Once affiliated with the reta. You have the right to register and cancel a maximum of three times. And change the contribution base up to four times per year.

How is it quoted in the reta?
The purpose of quoting in the reta is none other Database than to provide the self-employed. With the same coverage as in the general regime . For this reason, and on a monthly basis, self-employed workers. Must pay the self-employed contribution to social security.The amount of which will vary according to the chosen contribution base.

The contribution bases consist of a minimum and a maximum that the government. Sets by decree on an annual basis. Thus, in 2022, the minimum contribution base stands at €960.60 , and the maximum at €4,139.40 . The following prices have also been set:

Common contingencies : 28.30%.
Professional contingencies : 1.30%.
Cessation of activity : 0.9%.
Vocational training : 0.1%.

Bonuses in the special regime for self-employed workers


To promote self-employment and the creation of companies. The government makes bonuses available to the self-employed in the reta. As long as certain requirements are met:

Flat rate of €60 : aimed at the new self-employed. This is Phone Lead the payment of a fee of €60 per month during the first 12 months of activity.
Flat rate for young self-employed. Aimed at women under 35 and men under 30 for 12 months from the end of the flat rate.

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