How to Write a Good Thank You Note

You have a mouth to feed. Children and wife. Family.

Too many times I have seen many people pursue their dreams in a way that puts their families at great risk

There are friends who supposedly quit their jobs to run the business they love full-time, but instead make their family’s life more difficult.

Many marriages have collapsed due to ‘enthusiasm chasing dreams’ without a solid and perfect backup plan.

You may be able to live outside your comfort zone, but what about your children and wife?

Responsibility – an important term and we must take it no matter what.

Think of all the possible risks Don’t gamble your family’s fortunes

We may not be happy not being able to pursue Latest Mailing Database our dreams, but we will be more tormented when we are haunted by guilt when we see the hardships our family is going through.

Family first.


3. Sometimes, we have to lower our expectations a bit
Happiness at work comes from your own attitude. A good job is something you discover while you’re working..

– Jack Ma

There is a reason why arranged marriage couples are happier than those who choose their own partners (in love)

The same goes for careers.

We assume that choosing the right partner, buying the dream car, and getting the right job with passion will make us happy.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Not everything we hope for will come true in reality.

If you expect nothing more than a job and a paycheck the likelihood of job

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low expectation

low expectation 2

Job satisfaction has nothing to do with Phone Lead the type of work.

When we try to be the best in the field we engage in, we will definitely like it over time.

I do not mean that we should work even in bad conditions or receive bad treatment.

But look at your situation and ask yourself if you are still waiting for your dream job to arrive.

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