What is the Reta and How to Register

If you are thinking of undertaking or starting your professional activity, it is essential that you know what the contribution system for self-employed workers is and how it works; the CHALLENGE . The self-employed have a special contribution regime with their own rules and particularities that you must take into account before deciding to take the plunge.

We know how excited you are to start your career as a freelance ; surely you have a lot of things on your mind, right? So that you do not get overwhelmed more than necessary with all the procedures and procedures, we are going to tell you what the RETA is and how to register as a freelancer .

Social Security for the self-employed

RETA is the acronym for Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers . This is the special Social Security regime where self-employed or self-employed workers contribute, which is integrated into the General Regime.

Social Security establishes that the following must contribute to the RETA:

Self-employed workers over 18 years of age.
The spouse or relatives up to the second Whatsapp Mobile Number List degree who collaborate with the self-employed person and are not salaried.
Self-employed workers dependent on the same client (TRADE).
Foreign self-employed workers residing and working in Spain.
Cooperative members.
Community members or partnerships of property communities and civil partnerships.
Trade professionals who are self-employed and who, due to their activity, must be part of a professional association.
The directors and administrators of mercantile companies if they are holders of at least 50% of the social capital.
To be part of the RETA, it is essential to carry out a professional or economic activity for profit directly, habitually and personally without an employment contract ; such as setting up and managing an online store .

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Differences between the RETA and the General Regime

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Despite having the same powers, there are differences between the RETA and the General Regime:

In the General Regime, the company chooses the worker’s contribution base according to salary; On the other hand, in the RETA, the self-employed person chooses his contribution Phone Lead base between the minimum base and the maximum base.

On the other hand, in the RETA, the self-employed worker is responsible for paying their monthly contributions to Social Security , while in the General Regime the responsibility lies with the company.

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