Bland Or Copy-paste Product Descriptions And

One of our services at Split Dragon is to make product descriptions, images and your lorikeet optimized, complete and attractive.

Getting creative when it comes to creating product titles and descriptions will help your product stand out from the competition.

Take a look at the example below.

Here’s a product description of the top results

Now let’s examine the description of the same product but at a lower price.

Products that land at number 1 are those that have a complete and well thought out product description. Even though it is more expensive, it has more buyers and reviews compared to the cheaper ones.

Note that the multi-vendor market is whatsapp mobile number list looming with counterfeit products. Having clear photos and good product descriptions is the only way to positively influence and give your prospects the confidence to buy from your store.

Takeaway: Merchants who list their products with complete and attractive descriptions usually appear at the top of the list in their category.

Also, don’t be careless. Any incorrect information in your description can have consequences. People might think that it’s okay to add inaccurate information and it won’t affect your store because no one will be watching your description.

That’s a huge misunderstanding and it will backfire on your store rankings. The best thing to do is to hire professional copywriters to ensure optimized, high-quality product descriptions.

Remember: Optimized product descriptions increase your ranking on search results pages, plus it will convey authority and trustworthiness to your target market. It will reflect on your product reviews too!

Speaking of product reviews, here are the next common mistakes you should be aware of.

Underestimating the review system

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Good reviews are a must in this eCommerce section. 72% of consumers look at reviews before making a purchase, while 92% of them read reviews to determine store quality.[ * ]

Usually, there are 3 types of reviews that you can see in the online market.

Compliment your product
To warn others about your product
To provide feedback on their buying experience
Lazada, for example, introduced honeycomb , a metric that improves new products depending on various aspects, including shelf life. Store power measures your response rate and reviews. A high rating of good reviews means that you have a higher shelf life.

This also means that good customer reviews mean higher rankings in search results.

It is also important to note that products Phone Lead with incorrect data and defects may go unnoticed by the market, but not by customers.

Remember, products with false claims can help you get noticed but in a negative way as far as the buyer is concerned.

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