Phone Lead B2B Email List That in a Certain Way Accompanies

That in a Certain Way Accompanies

 Increase ICT acts as a direct substitute tool, but with functional improvement . Nor at this level are we facing drastic changes in the ucational process (the didactics of the activities remains the same). However, more prominence is given to the student by thinking about activities that make him or her a more active entity than at the previous level . For example, on the Moodle platform we can propose a debate where they can participate actively and “real” or complete ideas and concepts on a certain subject, after researching and preparing summaries.

Its Use Has Been

Modify ICT allows learning activities to be significantly resign . Here the change is significant, the teacher is oblig to rethink his or her activities and “get out” of that comfort zone to carry out intentional, focus and effective planning of ICT (they are no longer the same classroom business database activities that were replicat in the virtual classroom). In the sessions propos on our Moodle platform, the students creat videos where they explain a certain point of the course syllabus . For this they us all the technology we have today and investigat the different virtual libraries that are within the support of our university.

Orient in Some Institutions

 Refine ICT allows the creation of new learning activities, previously inconceivable . This level is at which the teacher openly questions his new role, about this new scenario that is now the virtual platforms and resigns the class sessions Phone Lead from there, generating those transversal skills that ICT provides us. He thus understands that this level places the student as the true protagonist of his learning and that collaborative work that must be the axis of the didactic activities to be propos, using ICT as the most effective communication platform.

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