Complete Guide to Using Categories

Categories work like chapters in a book: all book content is organized by chapter.

By looking at the title of each chapter ( table of contents ) will give you a clear picture of what topics are covered and how they are organized.

What is the difference between categories and tags?

How are the functions of these two things different? When should we use it?

In this article I will explain the function of However, Categories and Tags and what their importance is in terms of user experience and search engines.

Common mistakes of website or blog owners

Categories and Tags are always underestimated by most blog owners

Often after finishing writing a post, we just press Phone Number List the publish button without paying attention to the category of the post.

As a result, all our posts will be under the same default wordpress category, uncategorized.

Among the common mistakes blog site owners make is not setting the right category.
Also, having too many categories for one post is also a big problem.

Tags are often misused by doing as many tags as possible on each post, with unrelated tags.

This error is called ‘ tag stuffing ‘.

Many blog owners think that a lot of tags will give an SEO advantage.

Sorry, this is wrong and it’s pointless. However, All these mistakes will create very serious confusion.

Not Only to Readers. But Also to Search Engines.

In This Article. I Will Explain in Detail. How to Use the Correct Categories and Tags.

God willing if you take the time to do it right it will bring great benefits to your blog

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A quick analogy for understanding Categories and Tags
tags dan category To make it easier for you to understand the Phone Lead difference between Categories and Tags, try to imagine your website as a book.

If the author or editor wants to change, add or remove a chapter, it will be a major structural change to the book.

Tags, on the other hand, function more as an index page of the book.

In a book, the index section is usually found on the back page of the book.

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